There are no upcoming events.



I really can’t believe that I am composing my final newsletter excerpt for term 3. It has been a bit of a wacky one, but I am so proud of the determination and resilience demonstrated by our students, staff and community. Our remote program still has high levels of attendance and engagement with very most students attending regularly and submitting all samples of work. After our positive NAPLAN results, we are confident that the current program will be supporting students to reach the milestones that they need to.

Return to On-Site Learning

At this stage we anticipate that Sunday will bring us clarity with the roadmap towards an exit promised at that time. I do wish I could provide you with information and our own roadmap but unfortunately I just don’t have the information as yet. I will be communicating with you as soon as I have the information and this will be during the school holiday period. I will post all information through Compass and I will be available to contact through email. Please keep an eye out for compass posts and feel free to contact me should you require any clarification.

Mental Health Support for Students

With the holiday period upon us and no certainty over what school will look like in term 4 we do want to ensure we are keeping an eye on our wonderful students and making sure that they can access additional supports to get through these difficult times should they need them. DET has developed a fact sheet located below.

The fact sheet includes information to: 

  • support positive mental health and wellbeing of students
  • identify signs students may need mental health support
  • access available support.

Please utilise this resource as a support if you feel that it is needed.


A very big thanks to our students and staff who have made the absolute most of the term. I am certainly looking forward to seeing all of your faces in person very soon and I have my fingers crossed for a safe and quick return to school.

Look after yourself during the break, picnic with friends and we will see you soon.


Take care,

Kirrily Lamers



Well Done and Thank You

Once again we sit here and reflect on the amazing community we are lucky enough to work with. Your support for your kids and the school is greatly appreciated. We recognise and thank our staff who have worked tirelessly to provide a remote and flexible program. We have had so much positive feedback for what we are doing and the way we have adapted and changed to better support the needs of the wider school community. We are thankful for this.


I know as a parent of two primary aged children the challenges you have all faced this term. We would like to thank you. Thank you for your support and patience with us as we continue to adjust. Thank you for supporting your children to access the curriculum and online meetings. Thank you for trying your best to remember things you learnt when you were young and helping your children to gain this knowledge. We could go on about the diverse things you have no doubt undertaken over the past term, some easy, some hard.

Thank you. Together this school community continues to shine and support our future.

Parent's Guide to Beating Lockdown Boredom

After a long and at times ‘grindy’ term in lockdown. It is with relief and fear that I face the holidays whilst still remaining in lockdown. I know technology in my house has been a saviour at times, stopping the ‘I’m bored’ or ‘there’s nothing to do’. However, more than ever, after a long term of remote learning, I’m looking for ways to mix it up. This website has some great ideas that I’ll be checking out over the next few weeks.\


I will also ensure that we get plenty of time outside with things like bike rides, gardening and bushwalking (within the 10km limit). I’ve even considered a camp out in the tent on the lawn!

Educational School Holidays Activities Based Around Building Victoria's Future Transport Network are Available for Students

A collection of educational activities and opportunities based around the road and rail projects of Victoria’s Big Build are now available for students and teachers on FUSE.

Students can explore and connect with the Big Build projects in ways that will capture their imagination and creativity through science, technology, design, arts, mathematics and history. They can also explore future career opportunities in the Big Build projects.

Some of the activities on offer include:

  • Minecraft Mini Melbourne — exploring a scaled model of Melbourne in Minecraft Education Edition
  • Metro Tunnel Mastermind — learning about construction and tunnel boring machines through games and activities
  • Regional Rail Revival — playing railway activities and games online. Suitable for primary school students.

To access the activities and resources, refer to the Big Build FUSE page

Exploring the Importance of Self-Care

What is self-care?

In a general sense, self-care refers to activities undertaken with the intention of enhancing energy, restoring health and reducing stress. There are many ways to do this and self-care is something that can be personalised for every individual.

Self-care can also be about processing emotional reactions to life and doing things that we might find difficult, like asking for help.

Being mentally healthy and living well is important to every single one of us – whether we are living with a mental illness or not. It’s about enjoying life and fulfilling your potential. It’s having the ability to cope with stresses and sadness, and it’s about being connected to friends, family, community and culture.

Why is self-care important?

Mental health and wellbeing is important to individuals, families, schools, workplaces and communities. There is a role for everyone to play.

Some of the benefits of self-care include:

  • greater capacity to manage stress
  • increased resilience
  • reduced symptoms of mental health problems

Taking time for self-care is not always easy, but doing something small each day, week or month is a good start.

Ways to look after yourself

  • Physically
  • Be active and eat well
  • Get enough sleep and rest
  • Monitor and manage your stress in positive ways
  • Limit the use of alcohol and other substances


  • Nurture and maintain your personal relationships
  • Connect with others to keep strong

Time for you

  • Make time for interests and things you enjoy
  • Get involved and join a group with common interests
  • Learn something new to help build you confidence


  • If you have spiritual beliefs, make time for regular spiritual practice
  • Connect with others who share your philosophy

Asking for help

Reach out for support when you need it. Everyone needs support from time to time. Talking to a family member, a friend, your doctor or one of the many services available can make all the difference.


Luke Franklin & Denisse Lobos

Assistant Principals


ICAS 2021

Unfortunately, I have needed to move ICAS dates again due to ongoing uncertainty about whether all year levels will return to onsite schooling at the start of Term 4. Five of the six ICAS have now been moved to mid November, within the extended ICAS sitting window until November 26th. Unfortunately, this extended sitting window does not apply the ICAS Writing, which is manually assessed. This presents issues with the timeline and availability of assessors so close to the end of the school year. UNSW are currently working through this challenge and determining how to manage this. I update the community about new ICAS Writing dates or arrangements when I hear from the ICAS organisers. 

High Ability Learning Programs (HALP)

Congratulations to Maddie O, Alexander L.Y, Lucia F and Jade D who recently completed their High Ability Learner Programs (HALPs) online with Virtual Schools Victoria. These Year 5/6 students continued with their weekly online HALP sessions during the lockdown throughout Term Three. Maddie, Alexander and Lucia participated in the HALP English program and Jade participated in the HALP Mathematics program.


We have a number Year 5/6 students who have accepted an offer to participate in one of the HALPs in Term 4. Eliza B, Abbey C, Maya C, Alba N, Erin S, Bowen Y will be participating in the HALP Mathematics each Wednesday and Violet T will participate in the HALP English each Thursday. Both HALP programs will run for 10 weeks during Term Four. As mentioned previously, students are selected for HALPs by the Victorian Department of Education, based on academic results. Best of luck to these students as they take on this enrichment opportunity and the chance to learn with similarly high ability students from local schools.


I hope everyone enjoys the break from screen-based learning over the next two weeks of school holidays. We know the situation is difficult and that everyone is fatigued and keen for schooling to return onsite. I will be in contact again at the start of Term Four with a teaching and learning update and I am looking forward to seeing students onsite again when it is deemed safe for us all to return. Best wishes!

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist


Maths Riddle: 

Well done to everyone who solved last week’s puzzle. The answer to the Colour Grid Challenge is…

See if you can solve this week’s riddle below.  I’ll share the answer in the newsletter next term.

Turtle Challenge:

HINT: Use trial and error to help solve the problem. Drawing pictures can also help.


Extra challenge: Create your own turtle challenge by changing the numbers in the problem.

If you’d like to share, please send your solutions and puzzles to


Sarah McLellan

Learning Specialist


Thank you to the students that had fun recreating movie scenes as part of their wellbeing activities this week.




RGLPS Cooking Club

If you have cooked something amazing in lockdown we would love it if you would share it with our Golf Links families!!

Send your recipe and a phot if you have one to and we will feature your culinary prowess in the Newsletter.

Fun Fruit Ideas

Just some fun ideas with fruit for the start of spring.



Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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