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There are no upcoming events.


Here we are back again and very hopeful that students can return to school on Wednesday. Thank you all, for assisting our government to eradicate the spread of COVID – 19 by moving so smoothly into lockdown and helping your kids to access learning content. I did also want to take a moment to give a special shout out to our staff here at Golf Links who have, without any fuss adapted practice and made sure that all of our children have every chance to be engaged in learning.

This year we have altered our practices a little. We have introduced a new assessment schedule to allow us to have an even better understanding of where our kids sit within a learning continuum. To get a greater understanding of where the learner is, we are using an increasing number of 1:1 assessments. These assessments take significant time but it ultimately means our planning sessions are better informed and we can improve the differentiation that is taking place in the classroom, ensuring that all students are learning at their point of need.

We have also increased our focus on reflection and feedback as our evidence shows the high impact this can have on the performance of students. The annotated work samples provide comprehensive feedback for students and families that allow kids to have a greater understanding of what they need to do next to improve their learning. Our staff see the change as very positive but it is labour intensive.

When we move into an online platform, our preparations alter. We are no longer able to use the extensive planning for regular classrooms but instead, have to adapt to suit the platform that we are using. Planning ahead for learning is not practical because students master skills as you go. We don’t want to set our students tasks that are too difficult or too easy and this means that planning further than a week in advance is not valuable.

I have received plenty of feedback thanking our staff for the ‘Live Learning’ platform because they have been doing an incredible job. None of us want to be in the position that we are currently in, but I wanted to look on this from the most positive perspective possible. I wanted to publically thank our staff who at the drop of a hat put their hands up to do extra so that our kids benefit. Our staff who are trying to find a quiet space in their house to teach our students, who are preparing extensively to give the best possible learning program, who are attending on-site to provide supervision and care for the students who are the children of essential workers. We are all grateful for everything that you do.

3-Way Conferences and Variation to the School Day

As you are already aware, our 3-way conferences are to be held on Monday the 26th of July. This day is a variation to the school day as we want all of our students and families to be involved. For the most part conferences commence at 11:00am and finish at 7:00pm. On this day all students will attend school through the 3-way conference and not on-site. Due to the stay at home order TheirCare are unable to provide any program. All staff will be engaged in 3-way conferences and there will be no on-site supervision on the 26th. All students are expected to attend the 3-way conference through the Webex platform from home. Teachers have uploaded their Webex rooms to allow access and students have been given tasks to assist them to be ready to present during the conference.  

School Production

It is with a very heavy heart that I announce that our school production has been cancelled for 2021. We are in the process of looking for alternative performance opportunities for our students and will hold something later in the year. Unfortunately our dance rehearsals have been thrown into disarray and we will be unable to be ready for the proposed date. We will ensure that there is still an opportunity for performance this year at some time when we have fewer cases of COVID community transmission in Victoria.

Staffing News

Welcome to Natalie Tenuta. Natalie commenced last week as a new teacher in Year 1. We are very pleased to have Natalie on board for the remainder of 2021. 

Reporting At RGLPS

We still plan to hold our reporting forum on the 5th of August at 6:00pm. Please save the date as we are very keen to get input from our parents regarding reporting at RGLPS. This will be an online forum so do keep an eye out for your invitation on Compass.

Active Kids Opportunities

Does your child love sport and being active? Does your family have a Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card? You may be eligible for up to $200 to put towards the cost of your child’s participation in physical activities.

The Get Active Kids Voucher Program helps eligible families get their kids involved in organised sport and active recreation activities.

Under the program, children may be eligible to receive up to $200 to help with the cost of membership and registration fees, uniforms, and equipment.

Special consideration also applies for children named on their own Australian Government Health Care Card or residing in care services as well as temporary or provisional visa holders, undocumented migrants or international students.

Applications for vouchers in round two of the program close at 5pm Friday 30 July.

For eligibility requirements and to apply, visit the Get Active Victoria website.

Have a great weekend

Kirrily Lamers



Premier's Reading Challange

Well done to all of our students participating in the Premier’s reading challenge. So far we have approved over 600 books and logged 206 book reviews. I’ve enjoyed reading the reviews and our student’s thoughts.

The challenge ends on the 17th of September. This means you have 56 days left to try to complete the challenge and receive a certificate. I also have 10 pins to be given to our students who have participated and reviewed books.

The Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge Reader’s Review competition is open to primary and secondary school students! Students are to write, draw or film a creative review of their favourite book for the chance to win some great prizes. 


For more  details on how to enter and what to do visit:

Supporting Mental Health and Wellbeing

It can be challenging to process and manage changes to routines and the uncertainty that comes with COVID-19 and related restrictions – including moving to remote learning.

To support our school community during this time, resources and support are available for parents, carers and families.

These resources will help to support the mental health and wellbeing of our students and the young people in our care during this time.

I encourage everyone in our community to access these resources and take care of themselves during this time.

Services and support for students and their families A Quick Guide to Student Mental Health and Wellbeing resources is available for students, parents and carers looking to access expert guidance and resources to support wellbeing.

Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of our students remains our priority this year, especially during the continued COVID-19 pandemic and while students are learning from home during the current circuit breaker restrictions.

For students, the guide includes resources to support their own mental health and wellbeing.

* Advice and resources for students about ways to adapt their learning during COVID-19, to look after themselves and where to get help.

* Wellbeing activities fearing AFL and AFLW players with tips on managing stress, staying active and gratitude.

* Kick it with Victory physical activities with Melbourne Victory Football Club.

* Smiling Mind mindfulness activities for senior secondary school students, including short videos, online tip sheets and meditations

The guide also includes resources and supports for parents and carers to help them build their child’s physical and mental health and wellbeing. This includes:

* resources to support children’s physical, mental health and wellbeing

* wellbeing activities and conversation starters

* Raising Learners podcast series

* how to talk to your child about COVID-19.

Wellbeing guidance for parents and carers is also available on the Department’s website, or through the confidential parent support hotline, Parentline, available 8am to midnight, seven days a week. Phone: 13 22 89.

Keeping Kids Active

When children participate in regular physical activity, it boosts their physical and mental health and improves academic performance.

Physical activity throughout the day also improves concentration, and the ability to retain information and solve problems.

There are many benefits to being active and getting your move on, but a lot of children aren’t moving enough, particularly while learning from home.

15 minutes 4 times a day is all it takes.

To help support your children to stay active while learning from home, families can access a range of free COVIDSafe ideas to stay active and games  through Get Active Victoria.

Families should remember that whatever gets children moving, gets them active.

Luke Franklin & Denisse Lobos

Assistant Principals


Unfortunately, we find ourselves in lockdown once again, which is less than ideal for everyone. I’m sure all parents/carers will join me in acknowledging the outstanding job our teaching and education support staff have done in pivoting to remote learning with very little warning. Our teachers have done an outstanding job in creating lessons for students that are as engaging as possible within a short timeframe. A major challenge for our teaching staff has been that most lessons previously planned for onsite teaching cannot be simply transplanted to an online remote learning environment as students don’t have resources or equipment. This meant that our teachers have needed to plan new lessons overnight and have this all set up and organised for students on Seesaw in an tight turn-around. It is a testament to our exceptional RGLPS teachers that they did this without complaint and worked above and beyond their hours to create the best possible learning for students. Similarly, our RGKLPS Education Support staff have given their all by supporting learning, monitoring student wellbeing and assisting with onsite supervision. We are very fortunate to have such a capable and dedicated staff at RGLPS.

Learning with Movement

Last week, I shared research about how we can expand our learning by listening to our sensations, senses and gut instincts. This week, I will share some research about how we can enhance our learning with movement.


A host of studies indicate that when we move our bodies in certain ways, we are able to think more intelligently. Much of this has an evolutionary basis because as hunter gatherers, early humans needed to be able to think and track animals and their movements, while still mustering the energy to outrun them! To this day, movement and thinking are still intertwined in our biological makeup. However in the last few hundred years, modern society has ‘incorrectly’ learnt to associate being still with ‘good’ learning and being more focused. A 2018 German study utilising brain scanning technology, shows that our cognitive load considerably increases when we try not to move. Resisting our biological inclination to move draws energy from our pre frontal cortex which we use to perform challenging mental tasks.


Intense physical movement has also been found to be associated with a better cognitive performance. A moderate amount of moderate intensity movement improves our ability to think during and immediately after the activity. Documented scientific studies show moderate movement gives us:

  • an increased ability to focus attention and resist distraction
  • greater verbal fluency and cognitive flexibility
  • enhanced problem solving and decision making abilities
  • increased working memory
  • a more durable long-term memory

This beneficial effect has been shown to last for up to two hours after the moderate exercise ends. Further research shows that when kids return from the playground at school, they are better able to focus their attention and engage their executive brain functions. Hence, regular movement breaks during the school day support effective learning.


In contrast, high intensity exercise encourages a different type of thinking. It has been shown to create a kind of ‘void’ in the frontal region of our brain which allows creative thought and ideas to mingle and thrive. This does not occur at lower and moderate intensity exercise but if it’s creative, unstructured thinking you are seeking, a high intensity workout is the way to go! Further, following a meandering path when moving rather than a fixed and rigid one may further enhance your creative thinking.


My next point is that learning during movement aids recall of information. If the new learning is associated with a movement, it is better remembered when we reproduce that movement. It has been shown that even forming the intention to make the movement seems to ‘tag’ the information with a mental marker in our brains. Maybe this is why it helps to retrace our movements when we are trying to recall something or why we can memorise lines in a play better when we step them out? One study showed that students who incorporated movement into their learning remembered 76% of material, as opposed to students relying only on memorisation, who recalled 37% of the information. Another study into young children who acted out sentences from their reading found that they doubled their reading comprehension and were able to make more inferences about the text! 


There is so much research indicating that movement significantly aids learning. Try incorporating movement into learning at home or at work to see if it helps your recall of facts or thinking.


Next week, I will talk about how gesture supports learning.


Reference: ‘The Extended Mind : The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain’ – Annie Murphy Paul (Houghton, Mifflin Harcourt, 2021).

ICAS 2021

I have checked our ICAS registrations and these have grown significantly in the last week. The next few days is the final chance to enrol your child for an ICAS in 2021. Registrations close on Sunday 25th July 2021 and can only be made via the Parent Payment Portal Please use the school code MHT858.


ICAS dates are listed below. ICAS participation is optional and at parent expense (each ICAS costs $17.05). 

Have a great week everyone and I look forward to seeing students (and parents) onsite again soon!

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist


Please make sure you have handed your enrolment form and accompanying paperwork into the office.

Enrolment forms can be downloaded from the RGLPS website, or collected from the school foyer.

We look forward to welcoming our 2022 prep siblings!


Maths Riddle:

Well done to those who solved last week’s riddle! The answer to the ‘How many squares can you see?’ problem is 14.


This week we have a match stick riddle.  I’ll share the answer with you in the newsletter next week.

Extra challenge: Create your own match stick riddle. HINT: Start with a true equation, then work backwards by moving 1 or more match sticks to create your problem. 

If you’d like to share, please send your shape riddles to

Sarah McLellan

Learning Specialist


Our Australian Golden Wattle Seeds have returned to Earth and unloaded.  The wattle seeds are currently at NASA and will be heading to Japan shortly.  From there, they will be distributed to all the schools and organisations around Australia who won a place in this amazing project. 

If you would like to see our application video or check out other schools’ entries, you can have at look here:

The One Giant Leap Foundation has some photos now in the gallery, showing the seeds leaving the ISS amongst other things.  You can check that here:

Happy viewing!

CSEF -Extension of closing date 13th August 2021

This is a reminder to all parents who hold a Health Care Card that applications for 2021 CSEF will now close on 13 August 2021. Please contact Kaylene or Susan in the office should you have any questions regarding your eligibility.

CSEF is government funding for students whose parents hold a Health Care Card. The funding is $125 per student and can be used for camps and excursions.





Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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