There are no upcoming events.
There are no upcoming events.


Term 2 has already been a fairly busy one. This week we recommenced our music support group in a COVID safe manner. As we look forward to mid-year concerts it will be the first time I have had an opportunity to see the bands live at a performance standard. We thank every parent who has put their hand up to support. We would not have the band program without your efforts.

Schools Standing Up to Racism

During assembly this week I asked for students to put their hand up to work with me on a project called ‘schools standing up to racism’. I have been inundated with interest and am so pleased that our students want to be agents of change within our community. We will work on a number of student-led projects and our aim is for the projects to be a transformative way to explore issues that are impacting the lives of our students. Many students feel marginalised in some aspect of their lives due to things such as racism and discrimination. Our purpose is to allow students to actively participate in issues that affect them, and to be supported to identify and advocate for solutions

Return of our Assistant Principal

On June 1st we will welcome back our Assistant Principal Denisse Lobos. Denisse will be straight back into work with wellbeing and student leadership her main portfolios upon return.

Education and Training Reform Amendment (Protection of School Communities) Bill 2021: Information for Parents, Carers and Families

This information is for parents, carers and guardians about the new Education and Training Reform Amendment (Protection of School Communities) Bill 2021.

Victorian school communities are overwhelmingly positive and safe places for teaching and learning where we all play a role in supporting students in their achievements, engagement and wellbeing needs.

It is likely that you have heard the recent media announcements that the Victorian Government has introduced the Education and Training Reform Amendment (Protection of School Communities) Bill 2021. If passed through parliament, the proposed Bill would come into effect in May 2022.

The Bill aims to protect and keep school communities safe by preventing and deterring violent and aggressive behaviours from adult members of the school community and ensure that schools are positive, safe and inclusive places to work and learn. This Bill will apply to the small minority of adult members of the Victorian school community who engage in this behaviour, after early conflict resolution measures through non-legislative avenues have failed.

The proposed law will empower principals and other authorised persons to issue School Community Safety Orders in response to parents, carers and other adult members of the school community who engage in harmful, threatening, abusive or disruptive behaviours on school grounds or places where school activities take place, or inappropriate and harmful communication through emails and social media.

This Bill will apply to the small minority of the school community who engage in this behaviour when all other reasonable interventions have failed. The changes would ensure that all members of the school community are kept safe and to minimise any harm to their safety and wellbeing. There will be internal and external review mechanisms in place if a person who is subject to a School Community Safety Order wishes to appeal an Order.

Arrangements will be available to ensure parents can still remain engaged in their child’s learning to and to minimise any disruption to the student.

This Bill would not replace the existing avenues to raise any complaints, issues or suggestions with schools. By continuing to engage with these communication channels in a respectful and collaborative manner, we can continue to work together to support our students

Further information about the details of the Bill will be communicated to you if the Bill is passed by parliament.

Education Week 2021

This year, Victorian Education Week runs from 23rd-29th May 2021. This year’s theme is ‘Building Connections’ and Education Week is an opportunity for schools to showcase how they are building connections with the community around them.


RGLPS will be celebrating Education Week by holding an Open Morning on Friday 28th May from 9am – 11:30am. Parents and carers are invited to visit the school to see the wonderful learning happening at RGLPS. During the Open Morning, classes will be engaging in ‘hands on’ collaborative STEM activities and we encourage parents and family members to visit if they are available at the time. Please note that specialist classes will continue to operate as per the regular school timetable so some classes may have a shorter Open Morning session. Your child’s classroom teacher will advise the Open Morning times for their classroom.

Kirrily Lamers




Trading Cards

We have had a few minor problems this week with students and trading cards. We really like the social interactions that these playing cards can create. It gives our students’ a common group to play with and fosters a sense of belonging. Pokémon and AFL cards tend to be the most common. Students playing in these groups are developing communication and negotiation skills, as well as dealing with difficult situations in an age-appropriate way.

You will have to forgive me, my knowledge of trading cards is not quite at the expert level, yet! I have been informed of students bringing in cards that are worth quite a bit of money and trading them for cheaper/fake cards. Whilst I do my best to reverse all of the negotiations, it can become quite difficult at times. Please discuss with your children and check which cards they are bringing. I have spoken to a few groups and said maybe just bring the doubles you have or set up a group of cards with an adult who understands the values of particular cards.

Parking and Drop Off

There have been a number of parents who have been making poor decisions when dropping off and picking up students. Interlaken Parade tends to get heavily congested and we need everyone to do what they can to help. The drop off zone should be used to ‘kiss and drop’. If you are using this zone please move as far forward as you can to ensure the traffic behind does not need to go around and in front of you to park. Also, please do not make a U turn here. There just is not enough space and it makes the traffic very unpredictable for other drivers and pedestrians.

I have also had calls from our residents saying that people are parking in a way that blocks their driveways. This is very inconsiderate and illegal. The council has been notified and they will be patrolling.

I know we are all time poor, please be considerate and do the right thing by each other.

Parent Helper/Working Bees

We are pleased to announce that we can have parent helpers starting back in our school grounds. If you are interested and have time to assist, we would love to have you. The Facilities sub-committee are working on setting a date for an upcoming working bee where we plan to focus on the front entrance to the school. We also need more volunteers to join our regular mowing team.
We do require you to complete our online reading and acknowledgment statement.
Please click here to access the reading and all links required:
Should you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to make contact.  

Luke Franklin

Assistant Principal



Congratulations to those students in Year 3 and 5 who participated in NAPLAN this week. NAPLAN can be daunting for many students and families but teachers report that the assessments went fairly smoothly and all students tried their best. The 2021 NAPLAN results are scheduled to be received by the school in the middle of Term 3 and will be distributed to parents/carers shortly thereafter.

National Simultaneous Storytime 2021

Prep – Year 4 classes at RGLPS are participating in National Simultaneous Storytime next week. This event is run by ALIA (Australian Library and Information Association) and will be held on Wednesday 19th May. The event is an opportunity to celebrate reading with thousands of students all around Australia reading the same picture book simultaneously. This year’s text is ‘Give Me Some Space!’ by Philip Bunting and it will be read by NASA Astronaut Shannon Walker live from the International Space Station! Additionally, ‘Give Me Some Space’ has been nominated for the 2021 Picture Book of the Year by the Children’s Book Council of Australia. This is an exciting and fun learning opportunity for our students and I encourage parents to talk to their child about the session next Wednesday evening.

ICAS 2021

This year, RGLPS will be offering the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) through UNSW. ICAS provide parents with an objective ranking of their child’s achievement in a specific curriculum area and also provide an academic challenge for all participating students. All registered students will receive a detailed report and certificate reflecting their achievement on each test. Especially high performing students may be awarded an ICAS medal. This year, the ICAS will be held in August. Please note that your child’s participation in ICAS is completely optional and parent choice.


Students can participate in one of six ICAS in 2021 – please see the ICAS on offer and the year levels they are available for in the table below.


Parents are invited to register their child for one or more of the ICAS through the Parent Payment Portal located at Please use the school code MHT858 to register your child for the tests. Please note that each ICAS costs $17.05. Registrations via the Parent Payment Portal will close on Sunday 25th July 2021.

Semester 1 2021 Reports

RGLPS teachers are currently working on Semester 1, 2021 reports. These will be released to parents/carers on Wednesday 23rd June 2021.

Semester One 2021 reports will consist of the following:

Classroom Teachers

  •   – Overview of Learning taught during the semester in English, Mathematics, Integrated Studies and Digital Technologies
  •   – General Comment about your child as a learner, with reference to the Personal and Social Capability in the Victorian Curriculum
  •   – Progression Points (grid of dots) for the areas of the Victorian Curriculum covered during Semester One
  •   – Behaviour and Effort five point scale rating

Specialist Teachers (Science, Visual Arts, Physical Education, Auslan, Prep – Year 2 Music)

  •   – Overview of Learning taught in that subject during the semester
  •   – Progression Points (grid of dots) for the area of the Victorian Curriculum taught by that specialist
  •   – Behaviour and Effort five point scale rating for that specialist subject
  •   – Achievement Comment* for that subject


A reminder to check Seesaw on a regular basis to view annotated samples of your child’s learning. Seesaw acts as a digital portfolio of your child’s achievement and progress in English, Mathematics, specialist subjects and integrated studies throughout the year. The children love receiving a comment from family members so I encourage parents and family members to provide some positive feedback or ‘like’ the learning samples uploaded to Seesaw.


Have a great week everyone!

Kerron Worsdell

Learning Specialist



Wattle seeds sent to space late last year are still on the International Space Station (ISS), circling Earth every 90 minutes. The photo shows the seeds onboard the ISS.

You can check where the ISS is at any time here:


Our seeds will be coming back to Earth soon and we hope to receive them in July.   Our Space Wattle Team (Ethan J, Yori K, Charlotte P, Ellie V, Kyle S, Allie G, Madeleine O, Luke E, Eva L, Lily J) can then start our Space Wattle project, growing and monitoring the Golden Wattle plants over days, months and years.


Best regards,

Ms Wheeler


Hi ,

It seems Harold is a hit at Rosanna Golf links.

The program offers a webinar for parents on Health Education.

As part of the package parents have an opportunity to log onto the following Webinar.

If you wish to know more please log onto the following link,


BELOW is the LINK for parents to register for the parent information sessions. Please share this link with your school parents.


Sharon Armstrong


Booking link:

__Use the password raisefunds to gain access.



Dear Parents

We are looking for help next Friday 14th May.

Volunteer times available are: 10.30am – 2.05pm or 10.30am – 12.30pm or 12.00pm – 2.05pm.

Please ensure you order from the WINTER MENU.

Happy Mother’s Day!!!

Many thanks

Margaret Groves

Canteen Manager




Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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