There are no upcoming events.

TERM 4 2020


This week has been a big one at RGLPS with students abuzz with excitement and anticipation as they embrace the first week of some COVID normal practices. Our Year 6 students are extremely excited by the prospect of a graduation ceremony with some family members in attendance and a big day out with their friends. A significant milestone for our school was achieved this week as we completed our school review and we now have the building blocks in place to commence our next four years of learning.

Student Leadership Group 2021

As you are probably aware we have a very clear process for student leadership positions that involves considerable voice and agency from our students. This week marks the conclusion of our Year 5 presentations and the democratic process for choosing our 2021 student leadership group. I would like to thank every student who presented for a leadership position and congratulate our 2021 leadership group.

Our school captains Daniel E and Emmy B, our vice captains Lily J and Erin S, our student council president Olivia H, our student council vice president Grace R, our environment captains Adele R and Maya C and our Deaf facility captains Miriam C and Sophie P are all very eager to get to work and lead our student community onto bigger and better things in the future.

Tutoring Learning Initiative 2021

The remote learning program was accessed by all Victorian school students for the majority of our second and third terms this year. For some students the learning was seamless and they continued to make rapid progress in all learning areas. Some students adapted well to the different platform and still made the required growth in their content. In all parts of Victoria there were some students who just didn’t find the remote learning platform to be a sufficient learning space for their needs. The Victorian Government and the DET are conscious of the impact that this learning platform has had on some of our students and have implemented a tutoring program in 2021 to support students to catch up on the learning they may have missed during the remote learning period. Our teachers have been assessing all students so that we have all the evidence possible to ensure we catch any student who may need a little extra support in 2021. The focus of the tutoring is relationships, engagement, curiosity as the platform for building literacy, numeracy and thinking skills. Our professional learning teams will design the program based on differentiated practice and teacher collaboration as we spend the first few weeks of term choosing a practice model that best suits the learning needs of our students and staff. At this stage we are looking to implement some sort of collaborative co-teaching approach that may be delivered in the classroom and in small groups. We are extremely confident that we can support our students, through small group intensive focus to build skills that will allow them independence in their learning and look forward to commencing the tutoring learning initiative in 2021.

Easing of COVID Restrictions

It has been so nice to welcome our families back onsite. We are all very excited by the prospect of further access next year but for the time being we are still taking a few safety precautions. Thank you all for maintaining social distancing practices while onsite. We do ask that if you cannot maintain the 1.5 metre distance, (which can happen during peak times) that you please wear a mask. Unfortunately our buildings are still for staff and students only as we ensure that we maintain safe indoor ratios. Thanks once again for your continued understanding and support. Our staff and community thank you all for keeping us all safe.  

State Wide Orientation Day

A reminder that Tuesday the 8th of November is our whole school transition day. Many Year 6 students will be transitioning to their Secondary School on this day. Those who are not scheduled to attend a Secondary School will be given the opportunity to support the younger students to access their new classroom. An alternative program will be provided for students who will not be attending RGLPS in 2021.

On Tuesday our 2021 students will spend the day with their new teacher, in a classroom with their new classmates. We welcome the opportunity to support our students to feel safe and comfortable in their new spaces so that 2021 can start positively for them. This is especially important taking the context of this year into consideration.


Looking forward to meeting more families over the remaining weeks.

Kirrily Lamers



Child Safety Standards: Standard 3 - A Child Safety Code of Conduct

To ensure our school maintains a high level of compliance and culture around the Child Safe Standards we have developed a Child Safe Code of Conduct. This is available on our website under the Community tab:

We ensure Rosanna Golf Links Primary School works to sustain and improve our commitment to child safety by ongoing staff, contractor and volunteer development and ensuring we have a focus on child safety in our induction processes.

Landmark Investment to Support Disability Inclusion

The Victorian Government has announced an investment of nearly $1.6 billion over four years to transform support for students with disability in Victorian government schools.

Building on the Education State vision of excellence, equity and wellbeing, this investment aims to make inclusive education part of everyday practice in all schools and classrooms.

From 2021, new resources and initiatives will start to roll out to help Victorian government schools and regional and Area-based workforces, as the new Disability Inclusion approach is progressively introduced from 2021 to 2025.

Disability Inclusion will support school staff to be more equipped to respond to students’ needs and create inclusive environments that support every student in their class.

Respect Women: Call It Out

‘Respect Women: Call It Out’ calls on all of us to change the culture that drives family violence — gender inequality, discrimination and marginalisation — and proactively address the harmful language and behaviours that can lead to it.

The campaign coincides with the United Nation’s ’16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence’, which runs from 25 November to 10 December each year, promoting the message that everyone has a role to play in preventing family violence.

The following websites offer resources and supports:

  •              – Safe Steps, Victoria’s family violence support service
  •              – Kids Helpline, counselling and support service for young people
  •              – Parentline, parenting counselling support
  •              – The Lookout, family violence supports in Victoria
  •              – What’s ok at home? resources and support for when family violence is occurring in the home
  •              – 1800 Respect, family violence support and counselling service
  •              –, family violence support for multicultural women, their families and communities in Victoria
  •              –, family violence support and safety hubs in Victoria
  •              –, family violence support for Aboriginal women.


BANSIC is a not for profit organisation that is funded by the federal government and supported by local council to provide information, advice, support and aid to the residents of Banyule.  Alongside our food relief and support services, we run a Back to School financial aid service to help parents and guardians cover the costs of stationary, uniforms and books. This is available to people living in the Banyule area (Heidelberg, Ivanhoe, Rosanna, Macleod, Yallambie, Eaglemont, Viewbank). 

Luke Franklin

Assistant Principal


My apologies for the lack of a teaching and learning item in the newsletter last week. I have been on extended leave following a family bereavement.

ICAS 2020

The school is able to access the results for the 2020 ICAS assessments. The ICAS certificates are still in the mail and I am unsure when these will arrive. They will be distributed to participating students when they arrive. Congratulations to all students who participated in the ICAS this year.


Special congratulations to Bianca K (3/4D) who achieved a High Distinction on the 2020 Mathematics ICAS. This means that Bianca placed in the top 1% of students in Australia for her year level, which is an outstanding achievement!


A big congratulations also to the following students who achieved Distinction certificates. Sam W (3/4E) and Finn E (5/6B) – Distinction for ICAS Science, Bianca K (3/4D) – Distinction for ICAS English, Thomas B (1/2R) and Bowen Y (5/6W) – Distinction for ICAS Mathematics and Bianca K (3/4D) and Sullivan C (3/4M) – Distinctions in the ICAS Spelling Bee. To be awarded a Distinction, students had to achieve in the top 10% of students for their year level across Australia.


Here is a list of the students who achieved higher certificates in the 2020 ICAS:

Students who achieved a High Distinction, Distinction, Credit or Merit certificate will be announced at the next school assembly. Certificates will be distributed when they arrive in the mail.

High Impact Teaching Strategies

The High Impact Teaching Strategy (HITS) I am going to outline this week is Questioning.


Questioning is used by teachers to engage learners, make links between learning and stimulate interest and curiosity. In addition, questioning provides opportunities for students to discuss, argue and express their opinions and hear different points of view. It also provides immediate feedback for teachers around student understanding and the effectiveness of their teaching.


The types of questions used by a teacher is largely dependent on the lesson learning goal and activity. For example, teachers may use questions to probe thinking and ask students to justify their opinions. Questions can also be targeted to elicit specific responses, unearth varied points of view, make predictions or to encourage discussion. Effective teachers use a combination of open and closed questions and strategically pose questions to develop student understanding. For Questioning to be most effective, teachers need to create a trusting and respectful learning environment in their classroom. Students need to feel confident and safe in order to share their opinions and points of view through meaningful responses and to pose their own questions for their peers. 


Here are some ways that you can use Questioning in the home to support your child’s learning:

  • Ask your child what they are wondering when they are exposed to new knowledge and ideas?
  • Be mindful not to give easy answers to a question from your child – encourage them to investigate and work out answers for themselves.
  • Ask your child to reflect on their learning – what did they do well and what could they work on? Use these reflections to set new learning goals.
  • Ask your child what other opinions and points of view there could be on an issue? Eg. what might Mum or Grandpa or someone who lives in the country think about the question?
  • Try to pose open ended questions for your child or questions that don’t require a simple or yes/no answer. This encourages deeper thinking and synthesis.
  • Ask your child questions that help them make links between prior learning and experiences. Eg. What does this remind you of?
  • Remember to make sure that you value your child’s questions and they feel safe asking them. The last thing you want is for children to be too scared of making a mistake to ask something.


Next week I will talk about the High Impact Teaching Strategy of Feedback.

Semester Two Reporting

Teachers are currently finalising 2020 Semester Two reports. These will be released to parents on the afternoon of Wednesday 16th December 2020 via Compass. A reminder that progression points (dots) will only be provided in English (Reading and Viewing, Writing, Speaking and Listening) and in Mathematics (Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability) as per Department of Education and Training requirements.


Have a good week everyone!


Kerron Worsdell

Teaching and Learning Coach



We have added this section to the Newsletter in an attempt to keep parents informed of the traffic changes which are occurring near RGLPS.  We can only supply information that is provided to us by North East Link.

NO RIGHT TURN into Finlayson St and Newtown Rd from Greensborough Road, southbound.


Thanks to everyone who participated in the RGLPS Sustainability Tips competition. 

Over the coming weeks, we will publish the entries here and put them up around school to remind us all how to be sustainable no matter where we are.


If everyone keeps making small changes with sustainability, it’ll add up to a big difference!


Thank you!

Ms Wheeler




Dear Parents,

You can order icy-poles and chips etc through Flexischools for recess and lunch.  Ask your children to come down and collect recess orders form the canteen.  Lunch orders will go to the classroom as normal.  Unfortunately we cannot sell over the counter at the moment.

We are using the Summer Menu from Term 1 for the rest of the year.  You will see items change on the Flexischools site as stock runs down.  In addition, we have had some supply issues recently.


Thanks you.

Margaret Groves



Hello All,

There are only a few short weeks left of this crazy year, what a year it’s been!  The last few weeks have felt so good seeing the school busy with all children returning, and then this week with families back in the school grounds.

The upcoming holiday program is now available on the TheirCare website or from our OSHC room with bookings now open.  The holiday program runs from Monday 4th of January to Monday 25th January 2021.

Please also note that Monday 21st December will be open as a holiday program day. Please book ASAP to ensure the program is staffed correctly.

2021 enrolments can now be made at 

2021 term bookings will open in the next few weeks allowing you to make your bookings.  Please note that all enrolments should be updated and reviewed before bookings are made to ensure that we have all the essential information needed, including updated medical management plans.

Many thanks, 

OSHC team =)

OSHC mobile: 0408 136 169




Unfortunately, we are unable to run lunch time clubs at this time.


Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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