TERM 4 2020


It has been a really busy week at Golf Links. This week we celebrated Remembrance Day and NAIDOC week. We also focused on our value of responsibility and making sure that we care for our own belongings and there was an immediate difference with the oval, triangle and basketball courts being practically jumper, hat and lunch box free zones at the completion of break times. We also had some great news during the week with restrictions on excursions lifted. We are very hopeful that our Year 6 students might be able to have a big day out event to celebrate their primary school education as a result of these changes.   

2020 School Review

In term 2 of 2020 Rosanna Golf Links had been booked in for our school review. Victorian Government Schools are reviewed on a 4 year cyclical rotation where the school works with a panel to reflect upon and celebrate the achievements of the previous 4 years, take a deep dive into the educational processes of the school, ensure that policy and programs meet the compliance standards of the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority and develop goals and targets to inform our future strategic planning. Unfortunately the initial lockdown prevented us from being able to host a review and then our term 3 plans were quickly overtaken by the second lockdown. This term we have managed to lock in dates to complete a review and we will commence on Tuesday the 17th of November for our validation day. This will be followed by our fieldwork day on the 19th of November to be concluded on the 30th of November for our final day. We are very grateful to be able to run a COVID safe review in 2020 so that we can develop an informed strategic plan that will give us the opportunity to be working through our improvement journey from the beginning of 2021. I look forward to sharing reports from this process with you in the future.

Easing of COVID Restrictions

As Victoria hit targets that allow for the easing of restrictions we have been able to alter a few things at school. New guidelines are as follows.

Excursions can resume across Victoria for all schools. There are no restrictions on travel between metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria.

There is no limit on group sizes, but excursions must be conducted in line with any specific capacity limits on venues that are being used. Mixing between students from different schools should be avoided.

Health and safety requirements and enhanced cleaning will continue to apply at all external venues.

We are still hoping that restrictions around graduation and transition will be eased but at this stage graduation is still limited to students and staff only and transitions for our 2021 preps are only in small groups. We will send you any updates as they become available.


Take care

Kirrily Lamers



Facilities News

It has been quite an interesting year with the ability to have contractors onsite heavily reduced. I also am aware that many of our parents have not been onsite due to the current guideline the school is operating under.

I wanted to take this opportunity to update our community on some of the projects that have been completed.

We have installed two new shade sails in the area near the music room and OSHC building. These now provide a large shaded area for the band auditorium and also a play space on the asphalt. We are looking to complete our line marking when possible to give some structured play/learning supports.

We have also completed the bank near the Triangle, planting another 500 grasses and plants. This area will no doubt look amazing about this time next year with the grasses swaying in the wind.

I would love to thank all the families who made donations to the Facilities Masterplan Contribution through compass. Your donations have enabled us to complete some areas of our Facilities Masterplan. I hope we will once again be welcoming all parents back onsite soon and you will see the amazing new spaces.

North East Link Project - Changes to the 513 Bus Route

From Monday (9/11) this week, the 513 will no longer travel on Finlayson Street east of Thomson Drive. Instead, it now uses Erskine Road, Carwarp Street and Thomson Drive to connect Greensborough Road with the southern end of Finlayson Street. The existing 513 bus route is then resumed at either end.

As a result, six bus stops on Finlayson Street are now closed and will be removed over the coming weeks, including the shelter near the roundabout with Ferguson Street. You may have noticed signage on these bus stops (example attached) to flag the change and the alternative arrangements that are in place.

Please see further information in the following link:

Child Safe Standards

Over the next few weeks I will be unpacking the Child Safe Standards and what they mean to our community.

Luke Franklin

Assistant Principal



Maths Olympiad 2020

Congratulations to the twenty six students from Year 4-6 who participated in the Maths Olympiad during 2020. These students were invited to join the team due to their strong results in Mathematics on their 2019 school report.


The Maths Olympiad enrichment program is one of several programs offered to extend high ability students at RGLPS. Maths Olympiad questions require problem solving and use of a combination of mathematics skills and conceptual understandings. Problems are pitched from Year 7 – Year 10 ability level. Students who successfully solve any of the Olympiad questions are to be congratulated for solving mathematics problems well above expectations for their age level.


Due to COVID-19, the Maths Olympiad was run as an internal school competition in 2020. Students only participated in four Olympiads instead of five this year as one Olympiad was released during the last week of Term One when Victorian schools were closed.


The top three placings for our 2020 RGLPS Maths Olympiad were:

A big congratulations to our top three placed students and all members of the 2020 Maths Olympiad team. All team members will receive a Certificate of Achievement and students who achieved first or equal second place will each receive an 2020 Olympiad Medal.


2020 Maths Olympiad Team Members

Patrick M, Finn E, Kate Mc, Emiliya L, Olivia O, Jeonga C, Lachlan D, Jack G, Brianna S, Cecilia S, Mattias W, Emma W, Christina H, Zoe L, Bowen Y, Eliza B, Erin S, Lutz S, Alexander L-Y, Maya C, Molly M, Eva L, Jade D, Madeleine O, Toby W, Ainsley H.


Well done everyone!

High Impact Teaching Strategies - Setting Goals

This week I will provide an overview of the High impact Teaching Strategy –  Setting Goals.


Effective teachers create and communicate clear lesson goals or learning intentions. This helps learners understand what they are learning. Success Criteria show learners what they need to do in order to be successful. Lesson goals or learning intentions should explain what the student needs to understand and be able to do. By clearly explaining the learning intention and success criteria at the start of each lesson, the learner can focus their learning. This also serves as an means to anchor knowledge and skills as they are stored in our memory.


Learning Intentions must provide a level of challenge and also be achievable for students of varied abilities and characteristics. During planning, teachers map out learning intentions for each lesson within a developmental sequence of learning. At the outset of each lesson, teachers explain the learning intention, which helps students use the goals to monitor their own learning and progress. Assessment tasks are then designed so students can demonstrate knowledge and skills related to these goals.


Some ways that you can support your child/ren to use Setting Goals in the home include:

*Make goals and success criteria clear when students do jobs or chores around the home. This can be as simple ‘I can clean and tidy my bedroom’ with success criteria including things like putting all Lego pieces in the Lego storage containers; toys in the toy-box; books on the shelves and; clothes in the wardrobe or drawers.

* Help your child to create stretch goals such as ‘I will read 20 pages of my home reading book’. (Be careful however that the goal isn’t too difficult – it still needs to be achievable so the child doesn’t lose confidence.)

* Ask your child to reflect on how they went with their goal and the success criteria after they finish a task. Are there any criteria they need to focus more strongly on in future.

Semester Two Reporting

Semester Two reports will be made available to parents on Wednesday 16th December 2020. Progression points this semester will only be provided in English (Reading and Viewing, Writing, Speaking and Listening) and in Mathematics (Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability) as per Department of Education and Training requirements.

Essential Learnings

Essential Learning updates remain suspended for the remainder of 2020.

ICAS 2020

All ICAS tests for 2020 are now concluded. When results are received later this term, I will publish names of students achieving a Credit, Distinction or High Distinction in the school newsletter and announce these at assembly. If parents do not wish their child’s name to be published in the school newsletter or announced to the wider school community, please advise me by email at or via phone on 9457 4178.


Have a great week everyone!


Kerron Worsdell

Teaching and Learning Coach


Thanks to everyone who participated in the RGLPS Sustainability Tips competition. 

Over the coming weeks, we will publish the entries here and put them up around school to remind us all how to be sustainable no matter where we are.


If everyone keeps making small changes with sustainability, it’ll add up to a big difference!


Thank you!

Ms Wheeler


NATA Young Scientist of the Year Award 2020

Our school has received results for entries in the 2020 NATA Young Scientist of the Year Competition.  Our overall placement can be viewed in this video message from NATA CEO, Jennifer Evans.

Well done to our competitors:

Leo Marshall (7/8yo)

Avishi Rawat (9/10yo)

Miranda Kerr and Malinthi Kanakaratne (11/12yo).

Special congratulations to Leo and Malinthi who both placed in the top ten from around Australia and will soon receive a $50 Dymocks book voucher.

It is fantastic to see our students exploring science, technology, engineering and technology (STEM) opportunities through competitions. Parent and student feedback consistently state that students find the investigations and report work hard but very rewarding, regardless of prize.

Well done again Leo, Avishi, Miranda and Malinthi.  If you see these students in class or yard, make sure you pass on your congratulations and words of support!

Best regards,

Ms Wheeler


In light of the difficulties faced by many families this year, the Minister for Education has extended the eligibility date to qualify for CSEF to 5 October 2020, with applications to be submitted prior to 27 November. If you have any of the below listed Concession Cards, please contact Kaylene in the office or email so an application can be submitted on your behalf.

Applicants must hold a Centrelink Health Care Card in their name, or be an eligible beneficiary of a Veterans Affairs Gold Card or be a Temporary Foster Carer.

The eligibility date on the card must be no later than 5 October 2020. Families who are eligible for the later eligibility date will receive 50% of the standard primary school rate, so $62.50 per child.

In addition to the extension of the eligibility date, the Minister is also allowing the funds to be used for school fees or voluntary school charges for the remainder of 2020.



The canteen will be open for ONLINE ORDERS via FLEXISCOOLS ONLY from Wednesday 14th October.

The canteen is available for recess and lunchtime orders on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Due to COVID restrictions we will NOT BE able to offer over the counter sales until further notice.

Please do not send your children to school with cash, as we cannot accept it and they will be disappointed.

Ice-creams, chips, dim sims etc. can be ordered through Flexischools for recess and lunch and can be collected by them at those breaks.

We will initially be using the Winter Menu shown below.




Unfortunately, we are unable to run lunch time clubs at this time.


Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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