TERM 4 2020
There are no upcoming events.



It is so exciting to be looking out into the yard and seeing students proudly wearing their footy colours. We really want to make sure our kids get the opportunity to have some regular fun as we reintroduce them to onsite learning. We do plan to continue with such special activities across the term so keep an eye out for some simple but special days throughout the term.

COVID Safety Precautions

You will no doubt already have read information about the recent positive case discovered in Preston. Please read through the following if you have not yet seen it on Compass as it does contain useful information to assist us to prevent the spread of COVID – 19. We continue to acknowledge our gratitude to families for assisting us with maintaining a safe work environment for our students and staff.

I am writing about the situation in our local area after the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) identified some new cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Melbourne’s northern suburbs.

We would like to reassure you that no cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) have been detected on our school site and that our school remains open.

If you live in the areas of Dallas, Roxburgh Park, Broadmeadows, Preston, West Heidelberg or Heidelberg Heights, please make sure that you continue to follow health advice, including practicing physical distancing, regular hand hygiene and wearing face masks.

Please be alert for any symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), and get tested if you develop any of the following:

  •  –  Loss or change in sense of smell or taste
  •  –  Fever
  •  –  Chills or sweats
  •  –  Cough
  •  –  Sore throat
  •  –  Shortness of breath
  •  –  Runny nose
Getting tested

More information on testing, including testing locations, is available on the DHHS Where to get tested webpage.

Once you have been tested you should return home and await the results.


While getting tested, please remember face masks are compulsory for all Victorians over the age of 12, with the exception of those who cannot wear a face mask due to a medical condition or disability. DHHS has more information about face masks.


It is important we all continue to follow the health advice from the experts. Our school will continue to work closely with DHHS and the Department of Education and Training (DET) should any cases in our school community arise.


More information

I am aware that this is a time of heightened anxiety for us all. For more information regarding coronavirus and schools, please visit the DET website or call the DET coronavirus (COVID-19) hotline on 1800 338 663, available 8am to 6pm, seven days a week.


For school information in your language, call TIS National on 131 450. Please ask them to call the DET coronavirus (COVID-19) hotline on 1800 338 663 and they will help interpret.

For health advice in other languages visit

Halloween Dress Up Day

Following on with our focus on wellbeing we will also have a fun dress up day on Friday the 30th of October with a Halloween theme. During this day students are encouraged to come to school wearing something fun. We understand the limitations restrictions have caused when it comes to getting a costume ready and we want to be very clear that the traditional themed costumes are not necessary. Casual clothing will be fine but if your child/ren has something they want to wear that is themed we are more than happy to see them in it. We do ask that everyone respects all other students and we steer clear of costumes that might be a little too scary for the younger students.

Can’t wait to see everyone wearing something different.


There has been an issue with our Compass feed regarding the parent opinion survey. The link for parents did not transfer but I believe we have fixed the problem. Please contact the school if you are still experiencing difficulties and we can email you the link and password.

Remember that the survey closes on Friday the 13th of November and we would love your feedback to help inform our future school planning and improvement strategies.

Kirrily Lamers



On Friday 30 October, our school community will come together to celebrate World Teachers’ Day and recognise the continued dedication and support our teachers provide our students.

This year World Teachers’ Day has the theme ‘Teachers: leading in crisis, reimagining the future.’ This theme reflects the continued commitment teachers have made to their students and as education leaders, throughout the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

While this year has been difficult for us all, World Teachers’ Day is a great way to say thank you to our teachers for their support and efforts in helping students adapt during this challenging time. Rosanna Golf Links Primary School will be celebrating World Teachers’ Day by writing a simple thank you letter or card. You and your children can get involved by sending a message of thanks to a favourite teacher by using the hashtag #WTD2020 on social media. Don’t forget to tag the school so we can see all your messages. Head to

to access a range of resources to help you and your children to celebrate World Teachers’ Day 2020, including ‘Thank You’ card templates.


Luke Franklin

Assistant Principal



High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS)

Parents may or may not be aware of the ‘High Impact Teaching Strategies’ or what Victorian teachers know of as ‘the HITS’?

The HITS are ‘…ten instructional practices that reliably increase student learning wherever they are applied.’ (Department of Education and Training, 2017)

The DET 10 ‘High Impact Teaching Strategies’ are:


  1. Setting Goals
  2. Structuring Lessons
  3. Explicit Teaching
  4. Worked Examples
  5. Collaborative Learning
  6. Multiple Exposures
  7. Questioning
  8. Feedback
  9. Metacognitive Strategies
  10. Differentiated Learning

These ten interactional strategies have been identified from the findings of thousands of studies, exploring what has worked in classrooms across Australia and around the world. Internationally regarded experts such as John Hattie and Robert Marzano have synthesised these research findings and ranked the effectiveness of teaching strategies by the contribution they make to student learning. Correspondingly, ten High Impact Teaching Strategies have been identified. At RGLPS, our teachers have been undertaking a range of learning to develop their knowledge of the HITS and strengthen their skills in using these strategies for effective learning and teaching.

Each week I thought I might provide a more detailed overview of one of the HITS to help parents support their child/ren with learning in the home. This week I am going to talk about Multiple Exposures.

Multiple Exposures means providing multiple opportunities for learners to encounter, engage with and elaborate on new knowledge and skills. An example is practising number facts, new vocabulary or spelling patterns over several days to help learners understand and retain their new knowledge. It could also be mindfully practising a process repeatedly until it becomes automatic and easily recalled. It took me several weeks to learn how to change gears on a manual car when I was learning to drive but I can do this automatically now!

The Multiple Exposures strategy essentially strengthens the neural pathways in our brains. Further, the more varied the experiences or exposure to the new ideas are, the more connections are made in our brains and the broader and deeper our understanding becomes. Hence, multiple exposures is most effective when practice is spread over several days and the interactions learners have with the new knowledge or skill is varied.

You can support your child’s learning by providing multiple exposures to new learning and regular opportunities for them to practise and review new skills.

For example:

  • Deliberately use new vocabulary in different contexts to help children understand the full range of meanings of new words. Additionally, if children regularly encounter these words in their reading or use them in their own writing, they will learn the new words more quickly and thoroughly. This is one of the reasons teachers always advocate lots of reading!
  • Read a variety of texts about a new idea/concept and then write about or discuss the new information. Do this over several days or weeks.  
  • Play a variety of games to build children’s number and mathematical awareness eg Buzz, Bingo, dice games, counting patterns, Battleships, Snakes and Ladders etc.
  • Play ‘shopping’ games with money to help students become familiar with the value of coins and how to count, add and subtract money when giving change.
  • Use all of the senses to learn about a new idea or concept (sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste). When learning about history, expose children to old photos, maps, artefacts, audio or video recordings, written reports, first person accounts, art works or visit an historical site in person. The more exposures and the more varied these exposures are, the deeper the insight and understanding of the event or concept will be.

Research demonstrates that multiple exposures greatly improves learner retention of new knowledge. It is proven to be most effective when exposures are used deliberately and consciously to assist learners to master new knowledge and skills, and when the exposures are repeated over time.

Next week I will talk about another one of the HITS – Collaborative Learning.

Semester Two Reporting

Semester Two reports will be made available to parents on Wednesday 16th December 2020.


A reminder that progression points this semester will only be provided in English (Reading and Viewing, Writing, Speaking and Listening) and in Mathematics (Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability).

Essential Learnings

Essential Learning updates remain suspended for the remainder of 2020.

ICAS 2020

ICAS will be administered onsite at school in early November. Tests will be conducted in the Before/After School Care room on the dates below.


Please be assured that tables will be cleaned before and after each ICAS to minimise the potential of cross contamination.


ICAS dates: 

Friday 6th November 2020                  ICAS Digital Technologies

Friday 6th November 2020                  ICAS Science

Tuesday 10th November 2020            ICAS English

Tuesday 10th November 2020            ICAS Mathematics 

Friday 13th November 2020                ICAS Spelling Bee


When ICAS test results are received around late November, I will publish the names of students achieving a Credit, Distinction or High Distinction for each ICAS in the school newsletter. If parents do not wish their child’s name to be published in the school newsletter, please advise me by email at or via phone on 9457 4178.


Have a great week everyone and enjoy the long weekend!


Kerron Worsdell

Teaching and Learning Coach




Dear Parents and Students,

Just a short one this week! Research – Lower Plenty Baseball Club are looking for boys and girls to play in their summer season. You can get in touch with the club via Facebook, ask for AJ who is the head coach. They play at Cavanagh Rd in Lower Plenty and many other RGLPS students are down at the club so you are bound to see some friendly faces!

Kind Regards


Darren Peters

PE and Sports Coordinator


In light of the difficulties faced by many families this year, the Minister for Education has extended the eligibility date to qualify for CSEF to 5 October 2020, with applications to be submitted prior to 27 November. If you have any of the below listed Concession Cards, please contact Kaylene in the office or email so an application can be submitted on your behalf.

Applicants must hold a Centrelink Health Care Card in their name, or be an eligible beneficiary of a Veterans Affairs Gold Card or be a Temporary Foster Carer.

The eligibility date on the card must be no later than 5 October 2020. Families who are eligible for the later eligibility date will receive 50% of the standard primary school rate, so $62.50 per child.

In addition to the extension of the eligibility date, the Minister is also allowing the funds to be used for school fees or voluntary school charges for the remainder of 2020.


Thank you all for your support.  We have reached our minimum numbers needed to make an order, so we will definitely be going ahead.  I will happily take orders up to and including Monday 26th of October (small extension due to the public holiday on Friday 23rd).



The canteen will be open for ONLINE ORDERS via FLEXISCOOLS ONLY from Wednesday 14th October.

The canteen is available for recess and lunchtime orders on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Due to COVID restrictions we will NOT BE able to offer over the counter sales until further notice.

Please do not send your children to school with cash, as we cannot accept it and they will be disappointed.

Ice-creams, chips, dim sims etc. can be ordered through Flexischools for recess and lunch and can be collected by them at those breaks.

We will initially be using the Winter Menu shown below.




Unfortunately, we are unable to run lunch time clubs at this time.


Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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