TERM 4 2020
There are no upcoming events.



It has been wonderful to see all our smiling and enthusiastic students and staff back onsite this week. So many children have shot up in height during the period of remote learning! Our classroom and specialist teachers have reported that students have settled really well back into classes and are relishing being able to interact with their peers and teachers once again! Walking through the school filled with people has been a real emotional lift for all.

COVID Safety Precautions

A very big thanks to all of our parents for supporting our safety precautions. Please continue to maintain safe distances during drop of and pick up, encourage students with independence to meet you at a point outside of the school and reduce the number of people at pick up. We greatly appreciate these efforts to keep our school and community safe.

Many students have needed new uniforms over the last week. Do remember orders can be made over the phone and items can be given to students as we attempt to reduce all visits from those who are not staff or students of RGLPS.

Transitioning to 2021

A reminder that parent considerations are due by the 25th of October

Parent considerations are collected and considered during our transitioning process. Often parents have specific insights into student need and this additional knowledge plays a significant part in how we structure our classes. These insights often include but are not limited to health, emotional or learning matters, peer or sibling relationships or changes in the home situation. Selecting a particular teacher does not fit within the realm of special circumstances. If parents want to provide extra personal information to be considered in the process please email the school office. Letters should be addressed to “The Principal” and reach the office no later than October 25.

Footy Colours Day

As we have a priority focus on mental health and wellbeing we wanted to start off by having some fun with our students. Next Thursday the 22nd of October will be a footy colours day where all students and staff are urged to show their support for their team by turning up to school in their team colours. Whether you are an AFL, rugby, soccer or gridiron fan it would be great to see you brandishing your colours.

Public Holiday

Just a reminder that next Friday 23rd October is a the Public Holiday.


Our school is conducting a survey to find out what parents think of our school. The Parent Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education and Training that is conducted amongst all parents. It is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of parents’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour, student engagement and experiences of remote and flexible learning. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.

All parents will be invited to participate in this year’s survey. All responses to the survey are anonymous. This year, the Parent Opinion Survey will be conducted from Monday 12th October to Friday 13th November.


The survey will be conducted online, only takes 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any convenient time within the fieldwork period on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones. The online survey will be available in a range of languages other than English. These include: Arabic, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Chin (Hakha), Hindi, Japanese, Somali, Turkish, Punjabi and Greek.

Survey results will be communicated through our annual reporting.

Please check your Compass feed for instructions for how to access the survey.

Kirrily Lamers



Welcome Back

Welcome back to our students and families. It has been an amazing start to Term 4 with all of our students and teachers back onsite. Our new timetables are functioning well and teachers and students are adjusting to the changes in break times and specialist classes. I have been to almost all classrooms this week and it’s amazing seeing all the smiling faces and great work happening already. There has been a very small number of students struggling with the transition back to school. We are here and happy to help support you and your child if this is the case. Please don’t hesitate to make contact should you wish to discuss anything at all.


With the warmer weather upon us, it is vitally important to ensure all students are wearing their hats outside. It is also a good idea to start applying sunscreen in the morning and provide a small tube of sunscreen in their bags to reapply before lunchtime. It is also important to ensure your child has a drink bottle and is covering as much of their bodies as possible when outside playing. Sunglasses are also a great option if your child wants to wear them.

Return of Loaned Equipment

All loaned equipment should now be returned to your child’s classroom. Should you still have this equipment at home, please return it now.

Luke Franklin

Assistant Principal



Term 4 Homework

A reminder that homework expectations will be significantly reduced for all year levels for the remainder of the year. This decision has been made in keeping with the DET top stated priority around supporting student health and wellbeing after the extended stint of remote learning.


In addition to daily reading, children may be asked to practise spelling words, play maths games or complete active physical tasks. We hope the school’s decision to keep homework to a minimum for the remainder of the year helps ease the pressure on all students and families and supports positive mental health for all.

Semester Two Reporting

RGLPS Semester Two reports will be structured as follows:


Classroom Teacher Reports

  • An overview of what has been taught in English, Mathematics, Integrated Studies
  • Progression Points for English (Reading and Viewing, Writing, Speaking and Listening) and Mathematics (Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, Probability and Statistics), including progress from the last time these curriculum areas were reported on
  • One specific Achievement Highlight each for English and Mathematics. Year 3-6 students will also receive an Achievement Highlight for Integrated Studies.
  • A general comment around student progress and engagement during remote and flexible learning, with reference to the Personal and Social capability of the Victorian Curriculum. 

Specialist Teacher Reports

  • An overview of what has been taught in the relevant specialist area
  • A brief Achievement Highlight from the Semester

Semester Two reports will be made available to parents on Wednesday 16th December 2020.

Essential Learnings

Essential Learning updates remain suspended for the remainder of 2020.

ICAS 2020

ICAS will be administered onsite at school in early November. Testing will take place in the Before/After School Care room on the dates listed below.


In keeping with COVID-SAFE precautions, tables will be cleaned before and after each ICAS. This will minimise potential risks of cross contamination with children from many classes using the same space simultaneously.


ICAS dates: 

Friday 6th November 2020                  ICAS Digital Technologies

Friday 6th November 2020                  ICAS Science

Tuesday 10th November 2020            ICAS English

Tuesday 10th November 2020            ICAS Mathematics 

Friday 13th November 2020                ICAS Spelling Bee


Please note that the Parent Payment Portal for ICAS registrations for 2020 remains closed. 

School Policies

The school has a large number of school policies which are published to the community via Compass and the school website.


To access current school policies on Compass, please use the following pathway:


Login to Compass -> Community Icon -> School Documentation -> School Policies


To view policies via the website , click the Community tab in the top menu. (Please do not scroll down to the ‘For Parents’ button). Then scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the School Policies section.


Have a great week everyone!



Kerron Worsdell

Teaching and Learning Coach




Dear Parents and Students,

It has been a wonderful week in sport with Rosanna Golf Links taking the lead in the Virtual Track and Field competition! I have noticed many new names appearing on the score sheet so I’d like to thank parents for taking the time to help their child participate and enter their scores.

During the week, RH Sports has come on board to donate a $1000 prize pool toward the competition.  We are currently in line to win a $600 slice of the pie as we are the school with the best overall entry score and the best graded average score (points per student population). It has been so great to see our kids come together in a year of such adversity, and this school spirit may see us win two major competitions this year! 


SCHOOL NAME                                             POINTS                    RANK

Rosanna Golf Links PS                                   1824                         1st

Lysterfield PS                                                    1439                         2nd

Suzanne Cory HS                                              753                           3rd


Want to join in the School Sport Victoria Virtual Track and Field?  Here’s how:

If you would like to see the different events, follow this link

If you would like to enter your scores, follow this like hhttps: // 

If you would like to see where you have placed, follow this link


This week the House Shield kicked off for the Grade 5/6 students.  Each house divided into 3 teams and played in seperate pools with Gold 2 and Gold 3 playing off in the Grand Final.  After a 1-1 draw in regular time, it came down to the penalty shootout with Gold 2 victorious 3 goals to 2 goals.  Looking forward to next week’s competition!


I have also noticed that some local sporting clubs are beginning to plan for a summer season.  If your club is looking for new players, please email at and I will write up the details in my column next week.


Kind Regards


Darren Peters

PE ans Sports Coordinator


In light of the difficulties faced by many families this year, the Minister for Education has extended the eligibility date to qualify for CSEF to 5 October 2020, with applications to be submitted prior to 27 November. If you have any of the below listed Concession Cards, please contact Kaylene in the office or email so an application can be submitted on your behalf.

Applicants must hold a Centrelink Health Care Card in their name, or be an eligible beneficiary of a Veterans Affairs Gold Card or be a Temporary Foster Carer.

The eligibility date on the card must be no later than 5 October 2020. Families who are eligible for the later eligibility date will receive 50% of the standard primary school rate, so $62.50 per child.

In addition to the extension of the eligibility date, the Minister is also allowing the funds to be used for school fees or voluntary school charges for the remainder of 2020.


Thank you all for your support.  We have reached our minimum numbers needed to make an order, so we will definitely be going ahead.  I will happily take orders up to and including Monday 26th of October (small extension due to the public holiday on Friday 23rd).


Welcome back to term 4.

The canteen will be open for ONLINE ORDERS via FLEXISCOOLS ONLY from Wednesday 14th October.

The canteen is available for recess and lunchtime orders on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Due to COVID restrictions we will NOT BE able to offer over the counter sales until further notice.

Please do not send your children to school with cash, as we cannot accept it and they will be disappointed.

Ice-creams, chips, dim sims etc. can be ordered through Flexischools for recess and lunch and can be collected by them at those breaks.

We will initially be using the Winter Menu shown below.




Unfortunately, we are unable to run lunch time clubs at this time.


Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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