Nice, right?!


TERM 4 2020
There are no upcoming events.



Well I just can’t believe that it is term 4 already. We are so excited to welcome back all of our students. As you know we have our 3 priority areas to focus on as we try to ensure that our students return to school with as much success as possible. Certainly we all know that the really important areas for our students are mental health and wellbeing, learning and transitions and these will be the areas we focus on during our return to school.

Return to School - Monday the 12th of October

As you probably already know we have determined that we would like all of our students to return to school on Monday so that we can begin to focus on getting back into a routine. We anticipate a smooth return as the students are already familiar with the staggered play times and finish times. These are not our preference however it is extremely important that we ensure that safety measures are in place so that all the work we have all done to get Victoria back to this point is not wasted.


Please note we will also be reducing the number of adult visitors to the school as a safety measure. As with our last return access to the school site is restricted to staff and students who attend RGLPS. We appreciate your support to reduce the spread and look forward to a time when the community can again access our facilities. Please note the following arrangements for drop off and pick up. Drop off will still be 9:00am for all students we did notice that foot traffic is reduced due to varied drop off times anyway. As per usual students will be able to be supervised inside the school from 8:45am with the bell to commence learning ringing at 9:00am.

Students whose surname commences with an A – M will finish school at 3:15pm. Those commencing with an A – F will exit via the front gate and those commencing with a G – M will exit from the back gate. Older siblings are encouraged to pick up younger siblings from the basketball court to avoid adults waiting for multiple students.  We continue to encourage families to arrange a meeting point if your child/ren is independent and allow them to walk and meet you away from the congested gate area. As per the arrangement in term 2, students who are walking to school may exit through any gate.

Students whose surname commences with an N – Z will finish school at 3:30pm. Those commencing with an N – S will exit from the front gate and those commencing with a T – Z will exit from the back gate. Please note that we will be flexible with this arrangement and adapt as necessary. To avoid confusion for your child/ren please use the same gate at am drop off as you use for pm pick up. Please give particular attention to reducing the risks associated with congregation at school gates and take steps to contribute to physical distancing within the school.

Instrumental Music Program

We have been able to run a strong music program during lock down with remote lessons providing students with the flexibility to maintain their enthusiasm for and knowledge of their instrument. We have been dealt an unexpected hiccup with the return to onsite learning but have come up with an appropriate solution to our issues.

As you probably know the Department of Education and Training released their Term 4 Operation Guidelines. This document states that, until further notice, ‘choirs and woodwind/brass instrument use is not permitted in schools… This is based on greater evidence regarding the potential spread of aerosols and droplets from the use of woodwind instruments and singing and voice projection’.

Furthermore, to restrict the movement of people across different schools, casual staff members who work at multiple schools will be required to continue to teach remotely.

This is obviously not the news we were hoping to hear as we were heading back into term 4, however we are determined to remain positive, make the best of the situation as it stands and, most importantly, keep kids playing their instruments and making wonderful music.

As a result, the following changes will be made to our music program for term 4, until further notice:

Music Lessons

All students who play a woodwind or brass instrument, as well as our drum students, will receive lessons on Webex outside of school hours, between the hours of 4.00pm – 6.30pm on a weekday. This affects the following instruments:

  •   – Flute
  •   – Clarinet
  •   – Saxophone
  •   – Trumpet
  •   – Trombone
  •   – Euphonium
  •   – Drums (Maddison’s students)

Jill has sent out a lesson schedule with the day and time of your child’s lesson. If your child absolutely cannot attend their scheduled time (if they’re in After School Care, for example) please let Jill know and we will do our best to reschedule. Alternatively please contact me to discuss if needed. 

All piano, keyboard and percussion students will receive their lessons on-site during the school day.

  •   – If your child’s music teacher currently works onsite at another school, they will continue to teach remotely through Webex. A space at the school will be set up with supervision for your child to attend their lesson via Webex during school hours. This affects the students of the following teachers:
    •    – Natalie (piano)
    •    – Anna (percussion)
  •   – If your child’s music teacher does not work onsite at another school, they will be providing face-to-face lessons during school hours. This includes students of the following teachers:
    •   – Monica (piano)
    •   – Aaron (keyboard)
    •   – Jes (piano)
    •   – Joe (piano)

Lessons will not be rotating throughout the school day at this time, so will be at the same time each week. Lessons will be scheduled to avoid specialist subjects (some students may need to miss 10 minutes of a specialist subject if scheduling does not allow for another lesson time).

Band rehearsals

Band rehearsals will continue to take place remotely, via Webex, before school at the following times:

  •   – Senior Concert Band: Tuesday 7.20am
  •   – Junior Concert Band: Wednesday 7.30am
  •   – Training Band: Thursday 7.40am
  •   – Intermediate Concert Band: Friday 7.30am

Rehearsals will finish no later than 8.10am, giving families time to get their children to school after rehearsal finishes.

Students in Prep to Grade 2 return to full-time on-site schooling. The existing remote learning program will not continue for these year levels.
Students in specialist schools return to full-time on-site schooling. Schools can offer learning materials for students who continue to learn from home. This includes students enrolled in our Deaf Facility. Please contact Thom Jackson if your child is a Year 3 – 6 student enrolled and the Deaf Facility to organize onsite supervision if you would like to access this option.

Transitioning to 2021

It sounds a little funny considering the number of weeks our students have been in attendance this year but we are currently making preparations for the organisation of grade placements for 2021. This is always a tricky process as multiple considerations must be made to ensure that all of our students are placed in an environment that will best support their learning needs. As such this does need to be a collaborative process where students, parents and staff combine their collective knowledge to ensure success.

The Process:

  •   – Upon our return to school children will be asked by their teachers to nominate children they would like to be with in 2021. Conversations will be had regarding what makes a good learning friend and the students will be able to nominate those friends who support their learning and reduce distractions. During the process the teachers will ensure that every child is with at least one of these.

  •   – Parent considerations are also collected and considered during this process. Often parents have specific insights into student need and this additional knowledge plays a significant part in how we structure our classes. These insights often include but are not limited to health, emotional or learning matters, peer or sibling relationships or changes in the home situation. Selecting a particular teacher does not fit within the realm of special circumstances. If parents want to provide extra personal information to be considered in the process please email the school office. Letters should be addressed to “The Principal” and reach the office no later than October 25.

  •   – Classroom teachers will indict where students would be best suited based on learning, behavioural and social needs and any relevant information they have gathered throughout the year. All of this information will then be used to develop the 2021 classes with the use of Class Creator, a program that assists with the formulations of balanced grades.

  •   – Specialists will check the lists for any anomalies and then the leadership team will confirm grade placements.

  •   – Towards the end of term, children and their new teacher will have an opportunity to spend the whole day in their 2021 classroom and step up into the next grade level. The children and new teacher will complete an activity during this day notifying parents of their new grade.

Though this is a lengthy process we believe that student emotional and learning needs are best met when we utilise all of our resources. In this instance our resources are the community, staff and students and together we can develop balanced grades to support all of our students to succeed. We aim for balance by organising grades to have a balanced spread of academic levels and complementary social and behavioural mixes to allow for minimal learning disruption. As the new principal I don’t yet have any of that historical knowledge about student need so it would be very much appreciated if families email all relevant information to the school to allow us to make the best decisions for your children and the school.

I do apologise for the length of my section this week. Unfortunately circumstances outside of our control have added to the detail. Enjoy the last few days with your children at home and I can’t wait to see them all on Monday Morning.

Take care, 

Kirrily Lamers



Returning to Onsite Schooling

DET has outlined three priorities for schools as students return to onsite learning from October 12th:

  1. Mental health and wellbeing for every student and member of staff
  2. Learning
  3. Transitions

Our teachers are highly aware that some students have struggled with the extended period of remote learning and may have mixed emotions about returning to school. For most children, the pandemic and lockdown will be the most difficult experience they have lived through. Some children will be excited to return to school, some might be anxious or even apathetic to learning. Given this, teaching teams are planning programs with these important considerations in mind:

  •   – Ensuring learning is highly engaging through use of ‘hands on’ and tactile activities with an emphasis on FUN!
  •   – Planning for learning tasks where students can be active
  •   – Building wellbeing and relaxation activities into weekly programs
  •   – Finding increased opportunities for students to talk, collaborate and interact (safely) with peers through partner and small group work
  •   – Minimising learning using screens to give everyone a break from technology
  •   – Minimising any academic achievement pressure
  •   – Keeping homework expectations to a minimum

As always, we advocate for strong partnerships between home and the school. If there is anything about your child’s learning or wellbeing that the school and their teacher/s should be aware of, please make contact with us. We are eager to help your child adjust back into learning onsite and support all children and families as life returns to some degree of normalcy.

Luke Franklin

Assistant Principal


It is vitally important that all loaned computers and equipment are returned to school on Monday 12th with your child. Each classroom teacher will be inspecting devices and chargers for damage and cleaning down the touchable surfaces.

Please ensure you inspect the device before it is returned to ensure you are aware of the condition of the machine. If there is damage please email me directly ( and I will begin the process of organising repairs.

Should you have questions regarding this process please don’t hesitate to contact me.




The school leadership has made the decision that homework will be significantly reduced for all year levels for the remainder of the year. The primary homework task for each child will continue to be daily home reading. Aside from the benefits of practise on improved reading skills, a study by the University of Sussex (2009) found that reading can lower heart rates and reduce stress by up to 68%. Reading has also been found to be more effective and faster in reducing stress than other relaxation methods such as listening to music. 


In addition to daily reading, children may also be asked to practise spelling words, play maths games or complete active physical tasks. We hope the school’s decision to keep homework to a minimum for the remainder of the year helps ease the pressure on all students and families and supports positive mental health for all.

Assessment and Reporting

The Department of Education and Training have now provided schools with information about reporting requirements for Semester Two 2020. 


RGLPS Semester Two reports will be structured as follows:


Classroom Teachers

  •   – Overview of what has been taught in English, Mathematics, Integrated Studies
  •   – Progression Points for English (Reading and Viewing, Writing, Speaking and Listening) and Mathematics (Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, Probability and Statistics) including progress from the last time these curriculum areas were reported on
  •   – One specific Achievement Highlight each for English and Mathematics. Year 3-6 students will also receive an Achievement Highlight for Integrated Studies.
  •   – A general comment around student progress and engagement during remote and flexible learning, with reference to the Personal and Social capability. 

Specialist Teachers

  •   – Overview of what has been taught in the relevant specialist area
  •   – A brief Achievement Highlight from the Semester

With children returning to onsite learning from October 12th, teachers will need to begin collecting assessment data on student achievement in order to meet their reporting obligations. This data will also help teachers identify any learning gaps or misconceptions which will aid them in planning for teaching and learning for the remainder of 2020 and into 2021. I would like to reassure parents that our teachers are aware that the mental health of some children is fragile at present given the extended period of remote learning. Teachers across the school will ensure assessments are kept to a minimum and are as ‘low key’ as possible.  


Essential Learnings

Essential Learning updates remain suspended at this time.

ICAS 2020

ICAS will be administered onsite at school during November within the second extended ICAS sitting window.


ICAS dates are as follows: 

Friday 6th November 2020                  ICAS Digital Technologies

Friday 6th November 2020                  ICAS Science

Tuesday 10th November 2020            ICAS English

Tuesday 10th November 2020            ICAS Mathematics 

Friday 13th November 2020                ICAS Spelling Bee


Please note that the Parent Payment Portal for ICAS registrations for 2020 remains closed. 


Term 4 Team Newsletters

Year Level and Specialist Team Newsletters for Term 4 will be available from Monday 12th October 2020. These newsletters can be accessed on Compass using the following pathway:


Community Icon -> School Documentation -> Year Level Newsletters -> Term 4 2020


Kerron Worsdell

Teaching and Learning Coach


Dear Deaf Facility Families,

Welcome back to Term Four.  Where did the year go?  Remote learning!  Thank you to all our families for supporting our students while they’ve been at home.  We have seen lovely engagement and growth from our students during remote learning.  We’re looking forward to re-engaging the children when they return back to school next week.  If you have any questions or comments about schooling, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email or phone.


External Therapists

At this stage of the term, we are not accommodating face to face or telehealth therapy sessions at school.  As you know, usually we accommodate these sessions and see a benefit from the team working together to support the student.  However, during this time, we need to be mindful of our staff and students’ health, so unfortunately we cannot accommodate these sessions.

If therapy sessions are a priority to you as a family, we would encourage you to arrange these sessions face to face or telehealth at home, either first thing in the morning and drop your child at school late, or at the end of the school day and pick them up early.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused, we hope to return back to our usual procedures when we can.

Thom Jackson

Deaf Facility Co-Ordinator


In the limited time I’ve had over the last term I have been tending the garden patch so that it looks good for when the students eventually get back to school, especially the prep – grade 2 that usually attend gardening club.

The lettuce and sprouts grew well over winter but there have been way more slugs than normal. Two beds were left rest for 3 months and have been recently cleared of weeds and prepped for spring veggies. Carrots, peas and strawberries have been planted in these beds. I also have other veggies growing from seed at home, which will be planted when they are big and strong enough in the next few weeks. 

Gardening club will not be able to resume this year but I wanted the garden to look good for the kids, so they could visit and observe nature doing it’s best with their teachers or with friends at recess and lunch.

However, I was saddened to see on Monday evening that 2 of the 5 red cabbages had been taken. They were bigger than those in the photo but we’re still not fully grown. The other leaves were left in the veggie bed instead of being put in the compost heap. Cabbages are slow growing but look great in the garden. 

Please do not remove vegetables from the school garden, especially, when there are only a few of one item. If you see someone doing so, please speak up. If you see someone working there come and say hi, it’s most likely me – Patricia.

If you are interested in keeping the veggie garden please let the office know and they can put you in contact with me.


                                                            Thank you to our Preps for always seeing the Rainbows!!



Dear Parents and Students,


I have some exciting news to share – RGLPS is now 2nd in the School Sport Victoria Virtual Track and Field competition! What a fantastic effort!


I would like to thank the following students for entering their times/distances and scoring points for our school: Darcy Brennan, Niamh Henry, Emily Sellwood, Lian Shaweesh, Zoe Lethlean, Eadie White, Freya Wilson, Girisa Cataram, Lauren Cooper, Avishi Rawat, Alice Thornton, Indigo Burns, Imogen Burns, Ava Schivo, Jessica Sellwood, Alicia Sheehy, Aseel Shaweesh, Amelia Harrison, Matthew Raco, Jayden Parker-Hill, Dhruv Varier, Jasper Bair, Thomas Thornton, Marshall Henry, Tyler Howard, Jensen Ward.


I also have a few special mentions: Congratulations to Emily Sellwood and Freya Wilson who are currently coming 1st and 2nd in the Senior Primary Division and to Ava Schivo and Jessica Sellwood who are currently coming 1st and 2nd in the Junior Primary Division. Fingers crossed they can hold on until October 30th when the competition ends! I would also like to thank Alice and Thomas Thornton who scored 60 points between them on Thursday to put us into 2nd place, amazing!


There are still a few weeks to go until the competition closes so hopefully we can continue to do well and maybe even take the lead by October 30th. Students can enter as many times as they like each day, so if they would like to help our school then here are the links they need:


School Sport Victoria Virtual Track and Field.

If you would like to see the different events, follow this link

If you would like to enter your scores, follow this link

If you would like to see where you have placed, follow this link


Looking forward to seeing everyone again next week!


Kind Regards,


Darren Peters

PE and Sports Coordinator


In light of the difficulties faced by many families this year, the Minister for Education has extended the eligibility date to qualify for CSEF to 5 October 2020, with applications to be submitted prior to 27 November. If you have any of the below listed Concession Cards, please contact Kaylene in the office or email so an application can be submitted on your behalf.

Applicants must hold a Centrelink Health Care Card in their name, or be an eligible beneficiary of a Veterans Affairs Gold Card or be a Temporary Foster Carer.

The eligibility date on the card must be no later than 5 October 2020. Families who are eligible for the later eligibility date will receive 50% of the standard primary school rate, so $62.50 per child.

In addition to the extension of the eligibility date, the Minister is also allowing the funds to be used for school fees or voluntary school charges for the remainder of 2020.



Welcome back to term 4.

The canteen will be open for ONLINE ORDERS via FLEXISCOOLS ONLY from Wednesday 14th October.

The canteen is available for recess and lunchtime orders on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Due to COVID restrictions we will not be able to offer over the counter sales until further notice.

Ice-creams, chips, dim sims etc. can be ordered through Flexischools for recess

We will initially be using the Winter Menu shown below.




Unfortunately, we are unable to run lunch time clubs at this time.


Disclaimer: Rosanna Golf Links Primary School (RGLPS) does not endorse any product or service advertised in this newsletter. RGLPS takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements or the quality and reliability of products or services offered in the advertisements

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